The diagrams below shows the movements of the feet and body while performing the kata. Diagram 1 shows the leg movements as seen from above, whereas Diagram 2 shows how the direction the body faces changes with each of the movements.
1. Kumite no kamae. |
2. FOR R CHUDAN TSUKI: L chudan nagashi uke while retracting front foot, R chudan tsuki. |
3. FOR R JODAN TSUKI: L jodan nagashi uke while retracting front foot, R chudan tsuki, R chudan mawashi geri, follow through and step down in front, turn 180 degrees. |
4. FOR L CHUDAN TSUKI: L gedan barai while moving into #2 position, R chudan tsuki. |
5. FOR L JODAN TSUKI: L shuto uchi uke while moving into #2 position, R jodan tsuki, switch feet, L chudan mawashi geri, push/throw to front. |
6. FOR R MAE GERI: L nagashi uke while retracting front foot, LH push R arm away while moving into #1 position, R jodan tsuki, R chudan mawashi geri. |
7. FOR L MAE GERI: L gedan barai while right foot steps to # 2 position, R gedan mawashi geri to below opponent's L (front) calf, L jodan mawashi geri. |
8. FOR L CHUDAN MAWASHI GERI: Cross over hiji-hiza double block, L shuto uke while moving into #2 position, R-L mawashi uke, L hiza geri, maki komi nage. |
9. FOR R CHUDAN MAWASHI GERI: Hiji-hiza double block to outside L, step into #1 position, L-R mawashi uke, R hiza geri, maki komi nage, kiba dachi. |
10. R gedan Tsuki, skip back to kumite no kamae. |
(Beginners Kata 1)