
The legend of the Belt

The legend of the Belt

  Some styles and systems use or used the following ranking system of belts: whitebelt, brownbelt and blackbelt. There was nothing in between. There is a certain legend about the use of this system. People started with the whitebelt, during hard training it turned brown after many years of hardship. A long long time after that, the brownbelt became black. And from black it turned white again after even a longer time. Of course this is a legend. You can try to resolve it. But it’s true a blackbelt turns to white after long and hard use.


The correct way to tie the Belt
























Levels and Titles


Brown Belt                                              Sempai

Brown Belt I                                            Sempai

Brown Belt II                                           Sempai

Brown Belt III                                          Sempai

  Black Belt 1st Degree                                 Sensei

  Black Belt 2nd Degree                                 Sensei

  Black Belt 3rd Degree                          Sensei

  Black Belt 4th Degree                          Renshi

  Black Belt 5th Degree                          Renshi

  Black Belt 6th Degree                          Shihan

  Black Belt 7th Degree                          Shihan

  Black Belt 8th Degree                          Hanshi

  Black Belt 9th Degree                         Hanshi                                          Black Belt 10th Degree                    grandmaster



Instructor ranks and meaning Titles


Assistant trainer     =       Allowed to assist teaching (Sempai)

Clubtrainer    =  Allowed to give lessons inside school (Sempai / Sensei)

Clubinstructor     =       Responsible for one or more schools (Sensei)

Headinstructor     =       Responsible of a specific area

Chiefinstructor    =     Responsible of a province – country – continent

Chairman           =       Head of style – system – association

Vice-Chairman      =       Vice-Head of association

Sempai             =       Teacher Brown – Blackbelt Level 1

Sensei             =       Master Blackbelt 1 – Blackbelt Level 3

Renshi             =       Expert Blackbelt 4 – Blackbelt Level 5   

Shihan             =       Senior Master Blackbelt 6 – Blackbelt Level 7

Hanshi             =       Grandmaster Blackbelt Level 8 – 9

Grandmaster        =       Grandmaster Blackbelt Level 10


Yudansha Black Belts


Shodan        1st             Dan 
Nidan         2nd             Dan 
Sandan        3rd             Dan    
Yodan         4th             Dan 
Godan         5th             Dan 
Rokudan       6th             Dan

Shichidan     7th             Dan 
Hachidan      8th             Dan 
Kudan         9th             Dan 
Judan         10th            Dan



Warming Up



In kafck training we use a very good warming-up program. Running, push ups, squads, abdominal exercises, endurance and many flexibility exercises.





In general in kafck we use the Kyokushinkai Karate Kihon. But the main difference is that we also use other martial arts Kihon excercises. We can use a greater arsenal of Kihon weapons because kafck is NOT a SPORT Karate system, but mainly a real self-defence fighting art. All techniques are allowed in self-defence Kihon.



Kenpokai Karate Kihon

The Kenpokai Karate Kihon is divided in several kinds of techniques;

- Dachi waza (stances)
- Tsuki waza (punches)
- Uchi waza (strikes)
- Uke waza (blocks)
- Geri waza (kicks)
- Ne waza (ground techniques)
- Gari waza (throws)
- Kata (imaginary fight with unvisable opponants)
- Kumite (Kyokushin kumite, randori, jiju kumite and self-defence)

Gradings Kenpokai Allround (Full Contact) Karate


Junior / Senior

RED                   10 Kyu

RED 1                 10/9 Kyu

RED 2                 8/7 Kyu

RED 3                 6/5 Kyu

RED 4                 4/3 Kyu

RED 5                 2 Kyu

BROWN                 1 Kyu

BROWN 1               1 Ky

BROWN 2               1 Kyu

BROWN 3               1 Kyu


Dan Gradings 18+

Full Contact 16+



Red 1 Syllabis

(Red/Grey) (Junior/Senior)

Falling front/back/sides

Rolling front/back/sides

Stances Dachi

Blocks Uke

Punches Tsuki

Kicks Geri

Combination Kata 1

One Step Sparring (Kicks/Punches)

Kumite 5 Rounds 1 Minute (Kicks/Punches)

(Kata 1 optional)


Red 2 Syllabis

(Red/Grey) (Junior/Senior)

Falling front/back/sides

Rolling front/back/sides

Stances Dachi

Blocks Uke

Punches Tsuki

Kicks Geri

Combination Kata 1

Combination Kata 2

Two Step Sparring (Kicks/Punches/Grasp)

Kumite 5 Rounds 1 Minute (Kicks/Punches/Grasp)

(Kata 1 optional)



Red 3 Syllabis

(Red/Grey) (Junior/Senior)

Falling front/back/sides

Rolling front/back/sides

Stances Dachi

Blocks Uke

Punches Tsuki

Kicks Geri

Combination Kata 1

Combination Kata 2


Three Step Sparring (Kicks/Punches/Grasp/Sabaki)

Kumite 5 Rounds 1 Minute (Kicks/Punches/Grasp/Sabaki)

(Kata 1 optional)


Red 4 Syllabis

(Red/Grey) (Junior/Senior)

Falling front/back/sides

Rolling front/back/sides

Stances Dachi

Blocks Uke

Punches Tsuki

Kicks Geri

Combination Kata 1

Combination Kata 2


Four Step Sparring (Kicks/Punches/Grasp/Sabaki/Takedown or Lock)

Kumite 5 Rounds 1 Minute (Kicks/Punches/Grasp/Sabaki/Takedown or Lock)

(Kata 1 optional)


Red 5 Syllabis

(Red/Grey) (Junior/Senior)

Falling front/back/sides

Rolling front/back/sides

Stances Dachi

Blocks Uke

Punches Tsuki

Kicks Geri

Combination Kata 1

Combination Kata 2


Five Step Sparring (Kicks/Punches/Grasp/Sabaki/Takedown or Lock/Groundfighting)

Kumite 5 Rounds 2 Minute (Kicks/Punches/Grasp/Sabaki/Takedown or Lock/Groundfighting)

(Kata 1 optional)

Brown Syllabis


Basic Stickfighting Escrima

Basic Knifefighting

Stick Defence

Knife Defence

Kumite 5 Rounds 2 Minute (Kicks/Punches/Grasp/Sabaki/Takedown or Lock/Groundfighting)

(Kata 2 option
